¿QUE ES Soft-IA?

Soft-IA es un software en la nube diseñado especialmente para la Automatizar los procesos de Condominios y Propiedades Horizontales, con especial énfasis en la gestión de cobranza y administración, cubriendo todas las áreas de la Coopropiedades. Un sistema fácil y amigable, donde podrás mantener el control de todo en una sola plata forma, los copropietarios podrán acceder en todo momento para autogestionarse, revisando sus deudas, realizando los pagos, y mucho mas…!!!.

Nuestro Software puede ser usado por toda persona que administre miembros, proveedores, lleve el control de cobranzas y necesite comunicación masiva


Digital Billboard

Soft-IAhas a digital billboard (Desktop) where all owners can see the list of debtors, Notifications or Notices, Forums, Projects, Surveys, Image Gallery and the birthday of the month..


Soft-IAis the website of the Horizontal Property where you can publish the news, events and publicity you want. Owners can generate content but the administrator or council are the only ones that can activate them..


You have a topic to discuss, a meeting is no longer necessary, a forum is created, automatically all the owners will receive an email with the created theme and they will be able to express their opinions, using our funny dynamic text, where you can insert videos, images and emojis to express your ideas. .


In Soft-IAthe projects are created with the purpose of sending the invitation in an automated way to your registered providers, making a transparent administration..


Every supplier will have their own password in the system so that they can upload their offers, bids and have all the information in an automated way..

Your Own Website

Soft-IAhas a dynamic template so that you can believe your own web page and thus enhance your brand of administrator, in this way your owners will enter the software through your portal..

Votes and Surveys

The system administrator has the possibility of carrying out the polling of voting polls, which all owners will have access to indicate their option to vote, we automate the voting process without any additional cost or the need for other equipment. on your cell phone, tablet or laptop. .

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Soft-IAfacilitates administration tasks, loads obligations, generates and automatically sends receipts for collection, allows owners to report their payments or pay directly using the platform, so that bank reconciliation is much easier with 321Bas, as well as all your payment history information will be available to both owners and the administrator. .


With Soft-IAreservations are automated, the owner selects the room, reviews availability and requests a reservation, the administrator will receive an email with the request for processing..


Now you can handle the claims, requests and any case as a large corporation. The owners register it in the Software and the Administrator responds to the requests, leaving a record and date of the actions taken..

Image gallery

Keep the community informed with the image albums of projects, achievements, events and much more..


Soft-IAIncludes a porter module where the guards will manage the visits, the parking information, the correspondence, as well as any Novelty or Lack leaving everything backed up in the System..


Soft-IAallows you to share documents, in this way you can have at hand and share with all the owners all the information and documentation of the horizontal property with a single click..

Closed Circuit TV

Soft-IAintegrates with your Video system (*), allowing any owner to have access to the cameras of the horizontal property generating greater security..


Control in Inventory of consumables such as bags, toilet paper, cleaning products and much more with our inventory module where you can know at all times the exact amount you should have and whether or not it is necessary to make purchases..


Soft-IAallows you to create the equipment and systems that require maintenance in order to keep track of them, have control of the activities that have been carried out, generate the necessary alarms when maintenance is required and much more..


Much more than an administration system, our community module allows owners to make sales, donations, request product loans and even offer services to each other, generating greater integration among neighbors..


With our agenda module you not only have your contacts and tasks organized, but also you have a better control of them, having the record of the activities carried out in each task, as well as the important points discussed or taking into account each contact and the priority of each task to better manage your time. .


Soft-IAallows you to charge for the visitors' positions, from our App visitors must cancel in advance the right to use these positions with their credit card, avoiding the handling of money by security personnel and allowing the condominium a source extra income. .


Controls the costs by comparing the annual estimate in each of the funds or items of the horizontal property vs. the real executed month by month, allowing to have all the data at hand and immediately generating the comparison for a better control of the budget..

Tecnologia IoT

Con Soft-IA.com ahora su Condominio puede estar automatizado, se puede monitorear las variables, de consumo de energía, agua, gas, operación de bombas, nivel de tanques, activar luminarias, entre muchas cosas más. Ya no es necesaria la interacción humana para monitorear o controlar cualquier variable tecnológica, con Soft-IA y sus dispositivos inteligentes conectados a internet estas funciones están controladas. .

Vigilancia ON-LINE

Nuestro Servicio de Vigilancia ONLINE le permite reducir costos de personal en vigilancia, ya que sus cámaras pueden ser monitoreadas en tiempo real desde nuestras oficinas vía internet. Ya no es necesario tener pasivos laborales, ni contratar empresas costosas de vigilancia, Garantizamos un ahorro de 50% en los costos de vigilantes con nuestro servicio ONLINE..

Citofonia Virtual

Con Soft-IA.com puede tener acceso a nuestro Intercomunicador o Citofonia IP, junto al servicio de Portería ONLINE, Nosotros instalamos sin costo el equipo IP en su Propiedad Horizontal y cuando llegan los visitantes son atendidos por nuestro Vigilante ONLINE, el cual llamará por telefonía IP a los propietarios, sin necesidad de conocer el teléfono de los mismo, haciendo uso de nuestro software..


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Any questions or comments please contact us.

Colombia: +57 3187347742

Venezuela: +58 414-5949275 / +58 412-4408125 / +58 414-4418795 /

México: +52 5647036236

Estados Unidos: +1 6159351498
